What Are the Most Common Installation Issues for SCIEX OS Software 1.7?

Date: 04/28/2020
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The most common installation issues for SCIEX OS software 1.7 are:

  1. The user was not signed into Windows with administrative rights. Please refer to the knowledge article in the following link to determine if the Windows user is an administrator on his PC: https://sciex.com/support/knowledge-base-articles/how-do-to-check-administrator-rights-on-windows-10-before-installation-of-analyst-sciex-os-software
  2. The Windows language settings were not set to US English. To change the language settings on Windows 10, close all running applications. Then open the Windows Settings screen and select Time and Language. Then in the Region & Language menu, select English (United States) in the drop down menu.
  3. Antivirus software such as Symantec or McAfee interfered during the installation and unzipping of the downloaded software files. The article in the link provides guidance on using antivirus software with SCIEX software. https://sciex.com/support/knowledge-base-articles/general-guidance-for-antivirus-and-backup-software
  4. The version of Microsoft Visual C++ installed on the computer is older than the version distributed with SCIEX OS software. To resolve this, newer Microsoft C++ files must be removed first including C++ 2013, 2017. Please read the installation guide for SCIEX OS software 1.7, page 18. 
  5. Software services related to SCIEX OS software were still running while trying to upgrade the software. To resolve this issue when upgrading from SCIEX OS software 1.6.x to 1.7 then stop the Clearcore, LibraryViewHost and SQL services first before trying to run the SCIEX OS 1.7 setup program. To stop the Clearcore and other services, follow these steps: Log into the computer as an administrator, and then navigate to the services in the Control Panel and stop the service by right clicking on the service name and selecting Stop.
  6. Windows features for .NET framework files higher than 4.6 were not disabled. To turn off the higher versions of .NET framework, follow these steps: a) Browse to Programs and Features in the Control Panel. b) On the left side, click on Turn Windows features on or off. c) Click the + symbol next to .NET framework 4.6 Advanced Services. d) Uncheck the NET Framework file version. e) Click the OK button. f) Close Programs and Features window and restart the computer.
  7. Smart Monitor was preventing the SCIEX OS software from launching. To turn it off: a) Search for and click on the Control Panel in the Metro App List. b) Select System and Security. c) Select Action Center. d) Expand the security list, scroll down, and select Change Settings under SmartScreen Options. e) Enter your computer password if prompted. f) Select Turn Off Windows SmartScreen and click Ok.
  8. A SCIEX OS software version older then 1.6 was not uninstalled in its entirety prior to upgrading to SCIEX OS software 1.7 (e.g., upgrading from SCIEX OS 1.5 to 1.7 without removing all the additional programs supporting SCIEX OS software). The unnstall procedure for SCIEX OS software is described in the following knowledge article: https://sciex.com/support/knowledge-base-articles/how-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-of-sciexos-1-x

Posted: Apr 29, 2021

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Posted: Apr 29, 2021

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Posted: Apr 28, 2021

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Posted: Apr 28, 2021

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Posted: Apr 28, 2021

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Posted: Apr 26, 2021

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Posted: Apr 26, 2021

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Posted: Apr 25, 2021

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