MultiQuant™ Software Cannot Launch with an sMRM Extension License Only

Date: 11/22/2017
Categories: MultiQuant Software

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In some cases, MultiQuant™ software is licensed with two separate software licenses: 1) a basic license and 2) a sMRM extension license. If the sMRM extension license is installed first, then MultiQuant softawre will not open. The basic license needs to be installed first.

To install the basic license, navigate to C:\Program Files\ABSCIEX\Licenses\MultiQuant and delete any files in this folder. (Copy the .lic files to the desktop and delete after the software is activated and launched.) Launch MultiQuant software by double clicking on the desktop icon and follow the instructions to license the basic version.

Once MultiQuant is licensed with the basic license and open, install the sMRM extension license. Select the Help menu and then select Install License. Then select the sMRM extension license saved to the desktop. This will activate the sMRM features in MultiQuant software.