Increase LibraryView capabilites to work with large libraries

LibrayView does not work with libraries in excess of approximately 20,000 compounds.  For example, All-in-One and NIST17 can be on the same computer and will work, but if either Metlin or MoNA libraries are added LibraryView no longer functions.  With the additional libraries being provided in LV format (Metlin experimental and in silico, MoNA, MMHW, Wiley, etc...) it increases SCIEX's library searching abailities in theory only, as LibrryView does not permit using all of these libraries or even having them simultaneously installed. LibraryView supposendly uses SQL Server 2008 R2 Express which has a database size limit of 10GB, however, in practice it seems to be closer to the 4GB limit of SQL 2008 (which is approx. 20k compounds). Request that LV be revised to permit using multiple large libraries.
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  • Under Consideration

    0 Comments Feb 05, 2019 40 Views Product: LibraryView Software