Course Detail

당사의 다양한 교육 제공 목록을 계속 탐색, 필터링 또는 검색하려면 강좌 카탈로그로 돌아가십시오. 

SCIEX UniversityTM의 강좌에 등록하려면 로그인해야 합니다.


비용 Free
기간 20 minutes
언어 English
입력 Premium
과정 수준 Intermediate

도움 필요? 지원 요청

Antibody and protein characterization by peptide mapping mass analysis

프리미엄 액세스

이 강좌는 귀하의 계정으로 로그인하고 보증서나 활성 소프트웨어 지원 요금제에 장비가 등록되어 있는 경우에만 제공됩니다. 귀하의 계정으로 로그인하십시오.

This course covers how to perform antibody and protein characterization by peptide mass analysis and includes the following topics:

  • Characterization of post-translational and chemical modifications
  • Qualitative peptide mass analysis
  • Quantitative peptide mass analysis

Optionally, you can learn about proteases for peptide formation, protease digestion protocols and peptide mass spectra.

After taking this training course, you should understand:

  • What needs to be done to characterize a protein by peptide mass analysis
  • How to prevent artefactual chemical modifications during sample preparation
  • Which aspects are important to make reliable quantitative statements
  • How to modify sample preparation when performing disulfide mapping
  • Know the concept of MAM (multi-attribute monitoring).

Related instruments: TripleTOF 6600+, TripleTOF 6600, TripleTOF 5600, TripleTOF 5600+, TripleTOF 4600, TripleTOF 4600+, X500R QTOF, X500B QTOF and ZenoTOF 7600 systems

Related software: Analyst TF and SCIEX OS software

Certificate type: Completion

PACE accreditation: None