When samples are sent to your forensic laboratory for analysis, there are many factors that can affect the range and nature of your testing. Increased violence, terrorism, the emergence of new drugs, evolving local and federal regulations—all these factors affect the nature and range of the samples sent to your forensic laboratory for analysis. Whether testing seized drug samples, screening for illicit substances in biological samples, analyzing biological specimens for the presence of performance-enhancing drugs or detecting residue levels of explosives from a crime scene, your laboratory requires ultimate confidence in scientific instrumentation to accurately detect, identify and quantify relevant compounds in critical samples.
SCIEX offers comprehensive forensic testing solutions that can be easily incorporated into your existing laboratory operations. Our innovative LC-MS/MS portfolio enables forensic laboratories to quickly deliver highly accurate data for a variety of compounds across a wide range of workflows. Select an icon below to explore how our solutions can ensure the integrity of your results in an industry where the requirements keep changing. Regardless of your forensic workflow needs, SCIEX is your trusted partner in crime.
Whether you need to comprehensively screen for drugs, confirm and quantify them, identify unknown substances or characterize new and emerging drugs, SCIEX has a solution that meets all your most demanding requirements.
Unveil the truth hidden in doping samples by leveraging SCIEX solutions to confidently detect, identify and quantify trace levels of prohibited substances in biological specimens. Our robust suite of instruments provides the sensitivity, specificity and selectivity required to deliver confident results and keep competition fair.
Detecting trace levels of seized drugs, chemical warfare agents, explosives or illicit materials requires high throughput and sensitive instrumentation. SCIEX has an extensive portfolio of LC-MS/MS instrumentation that provides the evidence required by the forensic and security communities.
The diversity of cannabis and hemp products makes it hard to perform potency testing accurately. SCIEX provides sensitive, accurate and precise instrumentation capable of differentiating legalized hemp products from controlled cannabis. Forensic labs, where such use is permitted under local state/country law, can now test with the highest confidence.
Find out how the newest solutions from SCIEX can enhance your forensic applications. Quantify low levels of drugs and metabolites in complex biological samples with high precision and accuracy. Detect previously undetectable potent novel psychoactive substances (NPS) with confidence. Expand the capabilities of your forensic laboratory to test the most challenging samples in complex biological matrices.
Get qualitative flexibility combined with quantitative power. The ZenoTOF 7600 system represents a crucial step change in MS/MS technology with electron activated dissociation (EAD) and provides a new level of power for characterizing your forensic samples.
This QTOF mass spectrometer is uniquely engineered to be versatile enough to handle the demands of a high-throughput laboratory. Incorporating the robustness of the Turbo V ion source along with MRMHR, the X500R QTOF system can quantify drugs and other forensic analytes in complex matrices without compromise.
Find out how the SCIEX 7500 system can enhance your forensic applications. Start detecting previously undetectable novel psychoactive substances. Quantify at lower levels with higher sensitivity and precision. Expand your forensic laboratory to test complex and challenging samples and matrices.
The QTRAP system enables quantitative MRM experiments and qualitative ion scans in the same injection to maximize throughput. The system is ideal for forensic laboratories performing demanding applications that require ultimate sensitivity for ultra-low-level quantification of small and large molecules.
The growing number of new designer drugs on the recreational drug market continues to pose health and safety concerns worldwide. Illicit drug manufacturers are working tirelessly to evade regulation by designing new substances that mimic the effects of controlled substances. By a simple tweak of a molecule, they can create new substances with widely varying degrees of potency and purity. This recurring phenomenon creates a significant challenge for law enforcement agencies and health professionals. For this reason, your laboratory needs the right tools to identify these new substances quickly and confidently. A comprehensive spectral library, combined with powerful search algorithms using SCIEX instrumentation and software solutions, can accelerate your analysis of large batches of MS/MS data and enable specific and accurate compound identification. Discover which nominal mass MS/MS library best suits your laboratory needs. Â
The Wiley libraries provide the tools to confidently identify drugs, poisons, and psychoactive substances that have recently emerged on the recreational drug market. These comprehensive libraries will assist your investigation by speeding up your analysis and helping you identify the most diverse and challenging compounds in your samples. Independent forensic experts acquired the spectral data within the Wiley libraries, so you can have the confidence to identify the compounds in your samples.
The forensic LC-MS/MS Library 1.2 is designed to give you the most comprehensive and high-quality nominal mass spectra for your analysis. Best suited for data acquired on a QTRAP, the library includes MS/MS spectra in both positive and negative mode ionization (where appropriate) at 3 collision energies and using Collision Energy Spread (CES) for over 1250 relevant forensic drug compounds to ensure confident identification of the substances in your sample.
The forensics high-resolution MS/MS spectral library contains MS/MS spectra for over 1740 forensic drugs and metabolites commonly tested in forensic samples. This high-resolution spectral library enables fast processing of targeted and non-targeted screening data for accurate compound identification from complex biological samples.
 Learn the basics of mass spectrometry for forensic analysis with industry experts and leaders in the field.
LC-MS 101 videos explain key forensic topics in less than 120 seconds. Learn from industry experts and leaders in forensic analysis.
Are you unsure if your chromatogram is truly showing the compound that you are looking for? Watch this 2-minute video to see how a QTRAP system can increase confidence in your results.
Am I achieving all I can with my GC-MS system, or should I move to an LC-MS system? The answer is here.
Finding the right instrument—one that offers varying degrees of sensitivity, selectivity and specificity to meet your analytical needs—can be intimidating. Here, we aim to help you with this challenge
We explore the basic principles of high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and how these techniques can affect a lab’s efficiency and productivity.
This is a unique knowledge hub for mass spectrometry, related liquid chromatography technologies and everything else associated with forensic applications. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned forensic expert, discover the resources we offer and tailor them to your needs.
Discover how LC-MS/MS solutions can help you optimize your cannabis and hemp testing.
Learn how mass spectrometry helps you accurately detect and quantify novel PFAS and GenX compounds.