Adjusting Settings on a New Installation of DiscoveryQuant Software to Trigger a Run

Date: 03/31/2017

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

A new installation of DiscoveryQuant™ (DQ) software was not triggering injections with an Acquity UPLC. Causes for this issue include:
1. The Acquity autosampler was not selected in the Optimize Experiment settings. 
2. An error message was received regarding the autosampler in the hardware profile. 
3. Communication was never established between Analyst® software and the Acquity LC system prior to launching DQ (as indicated by system unresponsiveness). 
4. The Compound Table did have the correct Rack Location (Sample Manager R1, P1) listed with a Sample Organizer.


To set up DQ software correctly so that injections from the Acquity UPLC were properly triggered, the following steps were taken:
1. The autosampler was changed  to the Acquity LC system under the Optimize Experiment settings. 
2. A new hardware profile was built. 
3. Communications between the LC and MS were re-established by resetting the Acquity LC system. This was tested by equilibrating and ensuring the pumps were turned on to the correct flow rate and mobile phase composition. 
4. The following Plate Location was used: Sample Manager w/ SO, R1, P1. 
5. The injection type Look Ahead injection had been enabled in the LC method, but because this injection process has not been tested, it was removed from the LC method.