How can I set up contact closure in SCIEX OS software for my SCIEX instrument?

Date: 10/09/2023
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To set up contact closure for a SCIEX mass spectrometer to communicate with an external LC system, the contact closure check box must be selected in the instrument's hardware profile in SCIEX OS software. SCIEX OS software 3.1.6 supports many of the same legacy instruments that were controlled by Analyst® software even if contact closure is required for a third-party vendor LC system.

The contact closure check box can be accessed by navigating to the Configuration tab and then selecting the Devices tab. Select the instrument that will be communicating with the external LC system and then select Edit. The Device screen will appear and then select the Settings button. In the Settings screen for the device driver, select the Contact Closure checkbox, as shown below for the ZenoTOF 7600 system. (The screenshot below is for a simulated instrument, and the Simulate Device and dropdown menu for the Instrument model will not be available for online instrument hardware profiles.)

contact closure short.PNG

Contact closure allows third-party LC systems to be operated with a SCIEX instrument when that particular external device is not embedded in the devices available in SCIEX OS software. A second PC will be needed to run the third-party device's software for batch submission.