How Can I Tell if Zeno SWATH Pulsing Is Working Correctly on My ZenoTOF 7600 System?

Date: 12/16/2022
Categories: Academia Omics , Pharma CRO

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To verify that Zeno SWATH pulsing is working on a ZenoTOF 7600 system, users should run a SWATH® acquisition method with and without additional Zeno pulsing using standards from the SWATH acquisition performance kit.

Tests should be run using the PepCalMix standards that are found in the SWATH® Acquisition Performance Kit (click here to order). This kit is designed for troubleshooting TripleTOF® systems that use microflow and nanoflow LC and can be adjusted for use with high-flow LC systems as well.

To see how Zeno SWATH pulsing impacts signal differences, the PepCalMix samples can be run using acquisition methods with and without Zeno SWATH pulsing enabled. Acquisition methods should be based on the method that is described in the SWATH Acquisition Performance Kit protocol (page 37-9); this SWATH acquisition method is a QC test for cell lysates at microflow rates.

The concentration of the PepCalMix may need to be adjusted depending on the LC flow rate (see table below):

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The results should show at least a 4x increase in peptide signal when Zeno SWATH pulsing is enabled versus disabled.