How to modify ParameterSettings for APCI “Compound Optimization” in Analyst® software?

Date: 09/22/2023

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The settings for "Compound Optimization" are optimized for ESI and low flows. If "Compound Optimization" with the APCI probe and a flow of at least 200 µl/min is used more often, save the settings for low and higher flows separately.

The settings are found in the following Windows folder:
Analyst Data > Projects > API Instruments > Parameter Settings

The file is called:

Save this file as a backup in case you change parameters and do not longer know what they were before.
Analyst® software requires that the file is called ParamSettingsDef.psf. Change the name of the file accordingly when switching between APCI / ESI or low / high flow.

The Parameter Settings in Analyst® software are located here:
Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

At the top find the name ParamSettingsDef.psf.
Select the "Scan Category". For positive "Q1 + Scan and MS/MS + Scan" and negative correspondingly "Q1 - Scan and MS/MS - Scan".
Adjust depending on the flow rate and the device type:
Graphical user interface, application, table  Description automatically generated