How To Report Out Regression Types in Reporter Template Suite 3.2

Date: 10/20/2023
Categories: SCIEX OS , Analyst Software , MultiQuant Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To report out the regression type used in a curve fit, a combination of IF, ELSEIF, and ELSE tags are required in the report template in Reporter Template Suite 3.2. Below is a screenshot of how to differentiate between linear through zero, linear, quadratic, and mean response factor regression types.

The Analyte Analyte Regression tag simply outputs the regression equation into the report. This tag itself is not necessary to make the following string work and is just provided so that the regression equation itself appears in the report.

  •  #1 (1st IF tag) has the following syntax for its condition: ISERROR(SEARCH("+",$Analyte_AnalyteRegression)). This condition searches for equations that DO NOT have a “+” in them and, as such, encompasses the “linear through zero” and “mean response factor”, as neither of these include a plus sign.
  •  #2 (2nd IF tag) has the following syntax for its condition: ISERROR(SEARCH("std",$Analyte_AnalyteRegression)). This IF tag has text “linear through zero” written inside it as shown in the screenshot above. Out of the two options dictated by the 1st IF TAG, this condition only looks at “linear through zero” and “mean response factor”. In this case, if it DOES NOT have “std" in the equation, which only “mean response factor” has, it will output the text written inside the IF tag, which is “linear through zero”.
  •  #3 (ELSE tag) If number two above fails, then the regression type DOES include “std”, and, thereby, the regression type is “mean response factor”.
  •  #4 (ELSEIF tag) has the following syntax for its condition: NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("^2 +",$Analyte_AnalyteRegression))). If all of the above fail, the final tag, #4 ELSEIF, searches for “x^2”, which is only possessed by the quadratic option.
  • #5 (2nd ELSE tag) Lastly, if the regression type DOES NOT have x^2, then the last option is “linear”.
The equations for the 4 regression types are as follows with the differentiating sections utilized within the IF and ELSEIF tags bolded. The “#” is where there would normally be a value.
Linear: y = #x + # (r = #)
Linear through zero: y = #x (r = #)
Mean response factor: y = #x (std. dev. = #)
Quadratic: y = #x^2 + #x(r = #)