MultiQuant™ MD software error: Missing active project folder

Date: 03/15/2024
Categories: Analyst Software , MultiQuant Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

MultiQuant™ MD software is a companion software for Analyst® MD software and, thereby, requires having Analyst MD software installed properly. Having the proper Analyst Data project folder structure in place and the correct project selected for Analyst MD software is critically important before launching the MultiQuant MD software.

The error message "Missing Active Project folder" was received when trying to launch MultiQuant MD software (see screen shot). The active project was set to the API Instrument folder in Analyst MD software.

KN_missing project folder.PNG



To resolve this issue, Analyst MD software needs to be reinstalled and the current Analyst Data folder needs to be replaced to ensure that the proper Analyst Data folder structure is created. Before reinstalling the Analyst MD software, uninstall MultiQuant MD software and back up the current Analyst Data folder. Once a new Analyst Data folder has been created and the critical files transferred from the old Analyst Data folder to the new, reinstall MultiQuant MD software. Prior to launching MultiQuant MD software, set the active project to the Default project in the Analyst MD software. After these changes; MultiQuant MD software should be able to launch.