Is PeakView® software required when processing data in the OneOmics™ suite 3.4?

Date: 10/14/2023
Categories: Academia Omics , Pharma CRO , PeakView Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


PeakView® software 2.2  is not required when processing data in the OneOmics™ suite 3.4, but it is required to upload data to the OneOmics suite using the CloudConnect app. Users must register to use OneOmics suite with a user account and password, and a license for OneOmics suite needs to be purchased. Each OneOmics suite license comes with a group account that contains the individual accounts of users who have been provided access to the system.

Once registered, the OneOmics suite can be accessed from a browser (Google Chrome is recommended) on any PC with Windows 10, 64-bit using this URL: Data files acquired on a SCIEX ZenoTOF 7600 system or a TripleTOF® 5600, 5600+, 6600, or 6600+ system with different workflows can then be processed and analyzed in OneOmics suite. 

The PeakView software needs only to be installed on one PC if the CloudConnect app is being used to upload data files, ion libraries, or FastA files to the SCIEX Cloud. The SCIEX Cloud has two data storage options: 1) SCIEX Cloud Data Store and 2) lIlumina's BaseSpace storage. With a SCIEX Cloud DataStore account, users can access his/her data with the Data Store button in the Experiments application.