Error In MultiQuant™ Software When Generating a CSV Report

Date: 12/02/2022
Categories: MultiQuant Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

The error "Cannot save report with graphical or table elements as a text/csv file" appears when attempting to generate a report as a CSV file in MultiQuant™ software using a report template that has figures, pictures, or tables.

MQ report error.PNG
This is due to CSV reports not being able to display figures or tables.


If the specific template is required to generate the report, then generating the report as a PDF or Microsoft Word document instead of a CVS file should fix the issue. However, if a CSV format is required and that specific report template must be used (e.g., templates for a LIMS system report), then the tags in the template that refer to tables or figures must be removed before the report can be generated as a CSV file. Typically reports for LIMS are the only ones able to be generated as a CSV report. If necessary, consult with SCIEX tech support to create a LIMS report template with the desired information.