Reporter Error: Cannot Retrieve Analyte: the Specific Index ("-1") Is Out of Range

Date: 11/22/2021
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

The following error is received when creating a report for a results table in MultiQuant™ or SCIEX OS software: "Cannot retrieve analyte: the specific index ("-1") is out of range."

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This error is generated because there is a mismatch of tag types within a loop. To resolve this issue, ensure that the individual tags within the loop are for the same sample type (e.g., use internal standard tags if For Each Internal Standard is used for the loop).

The below example is set up to report internal standard data, so the outer loop is the For Each Internal Standard loop. However, the picture tags IQ Average Spectrum and IQ Reconstruction Spectrum are the analyte tags that are not compatible with the internal standard loop. 

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Reassign the tags that correspond to the internal standard. In this case, the appropriate tags are IQ_IS_Average Spectrum and IQ_IS_Reconstruction Spectrum. 

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