Name conflict error when creating a new quantitation method in MultiQuant™ software

Date: 10/20/2023
Categories: MultiQuant Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

An error occurs in Multi Quant™ software when starting a new quantitation method: "The specified name conflicts with an analyte in another period/experiment."

After reviewing the list of analytes and grouping them, the error prevents the user from proceeding to the next step.
A screenshot of a computer error message  Description automatically generated



This error is the result of one or more analyte names in the current experiment being identical to one of the analyte names(s) in another experiment within the same processing method. In the example above, impy 1 is present in both experiments 1 and 2.

To resolve the issue, change the name to impy-pos 1 and impy-neg 1. This will resolve the issue, allowing the user to proceed to the next step.