Troubleshooting Common LC Issues on SCIEX Triple Quad™ and QTRAP® Systems

Date: 01/17/2023
Categories: QTRAP Systems , Triple Quad Systems

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Pressure issues, shifting retention times, and no peaks are common issues when running LC-MS methods on SCIEX Triple Quad™ and QTRAP® systems. The guides in the links below provide step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot these common issues.

1) For systems experiencing low or no pressure, select this link: Low pressure or no pressure
2) If the LCMS system is over-pressuring, select this link: High pressure
3) If retention times are changing to earlier or later times during the run, select this link: Shifting retention times
4) If no peaks are detected, this could signal an LC or an MS issue. Select this link: No peaks