What Is the Difference Between .wiff and .wiff2 Data Files?

Date: 10/04/2021

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


There are two data file formats for data sets acquired using SCIEX mass spectrometers: 1) .wiff and 2) .wiff2. Instruments using Analyst® software to acquire data will write data sets in the .wiff format. Instruments acquiring data using SCIEX OS software (version 2.0 or lower) will write data sets in the .wiff2 format. The newer versions of SCIEX OS software (version 2.1 and greater) write data in both the .wiff and .wiff2 format. 

The major difference between the two formats is with the different meta data files for the two data sets; the XY data files for both data types are largely identical, however. With version 2.1, SCIEX OS software will produce a single XY data file and both a .wiff and a.wiff2 meta data file for each run, so users no longer have to choose which data format type to review or process.