What Is the Peak Split Algorithm when Using a Marker Peak with the Echo® MS System?

Date: 11/01/2021
Categories: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The marker well in the Echo® MS System is defined by the user in the acquisition batch to generate a special barcode pattern at the beginning and end of the plate run. The barcode is a pattern composed of a narrow peak, then a pause, a wide peak, then a pause, followed by a narrow peak. (This pattern may change in the future.) The SCIEX OS software detects this pattern, and uses it to align with the timing data for all the ejections in the batch.

The SCIEX OS software also automatically determines which MRM has the best signal intensity in the barcode region, so users do not need to specify the optimal MRM to use. If either barcode pattern is not detected, then splitting does not occur, preventing the generation of incorrect data.

The best practice for data acquisition with Echo MS System would be to have a good intensity compound in the marker well.